Sunday, April 22, 2007

Who's who?

The number of families, and their class distribution are set by the RK rules--three peasant households, two merchants, three nobles, and a royal household. I added two religious houses (a Convent and an Abbey) and may in the future add a midwife/herbwife/witch, and/or a wizard.

My actual families were created, Prosperity-style, by rolling a die to determine the number of family members, their ages, genders, aspirations, and astrological signs. This resulted in some very odd families. My royal household consisted of a single male toddler, and there were no noble adults at all, and only one elder. Trying to come up with an explanation for these families led me to the story I'm using. Several families had an extra adult to start with, in addition to the required place-holder, because I wanted the children to have two parents in their family trees. All place-holders were immediately boolproped to death upon opening the lot for the first time.

I decided ahead of time that the royal household would have two live-in servants (a man and a woman) and noble households would have a single female servant. These sims were created directly to fill their roles, but aspiration and astrological signs were assigned by the die.

All photo identifications are from left to right.

Corbett (peasant)

Anisette: pleasure/celebrity chef
Aster: unknown yet
Allysum: pleasure/prof. party guest
Aroine: deceased
Bri: knowledge/top of gamer career
Basil: fortune/5 top businesses

Master (peasant)

Clary: family/20 pups/kittens
Zatar: unknown yet
Ergot: deceased
Chamomila: knowledge/criminal MM

Oakland (peasant)

Clethra: romance/celebrity chef
Robinia: fortune/6 pets top career
Daphne: knowledge/criminal MM
Michelia: fortune/6 pets top career
Vitex: pleasure/50 1st dates
Carissa: knowledge/mad scientist

Marcher (merchant)

Master Avo: knowledge/mad sci.
Mistress Elisabetta: deceased
Griet: romance/hall of famer

Umber (merchant)

Mistress Anneis: family/20 pups/kits
Master Adam: deceased
Merewin: unknown yet

Duchy of An (noble)

Duchess Raedaerle: pop./general
Duchess Antoinette: deceased
Duke Safor: deceased


Clover Keper: knowledge/crim. MM

County Meremont (noble)

Countess Kia: family/golden anniv.
Count Allain: deceased
Lady Auber: knowledge/adventurer
Countess Eloise: deceased


Marigold Seneschal:
fortune/business tycoon

Barony of Ymris (noble)

Lord Heureu: family/marry 6 kids
Baron Awn: family/captain hero
Lady Eriel: family/marry 6 kids
Lady Yvette: deceased
Lord Astrin: knowledge/criminal MM


Tiliu Cooke: pleasure/50 1st dates

Erlenstar (royal)

Prince Tirunedeth I: deceased
Prince Tirunedeth II: unknown yet
Princess Alicia: deceased


Serenoa Chatelaine: fort./5 top bus.


Rush Jardin: fortune/business tycoon

Convent of St. Wright

Rev. Mother Grania:
family/top of education career

Erlen Abbey

Rev. Father Aloil: pleasure/cel. chef


Anonymous said...

Great families! Can't wait to see them in action!

Ziese52 said...

Great families!